Hi Niels,

Thanks for providing an updated package. :)

Are you (still?) interested in becoming the maintainer of bchunk?  If
so, please lets file an "Intend To Salvage" bug, so you can become the
proper maintainer of this package. :)

Is Intend to Salvage possible keeping the old maintainer? (as making a team of two(or more)), by just adding oneself to the package as I already did? Since I do use bchunk (both
for converting bin/cue to iso, and ripping audio from bin/cue), I guess
I can as well (co-)maintain it.

I am happy to sponsor your upload with some minor changes once we get
there.  Alternatively, if you are not interested in maintaining bchunk,
then I will simply do a one-off NMU bchunck based on your changes and
adding a few of my own on top. :)

So you can add yourself too :)



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