On Tue, Jan 08, 2019 at 06:08:00PM +0100, Davide Monsorno wrote:
> I have tried to use task spooler in order to launch 2 tasks (a1,a2) in
> parallel, followed by 3 tasks (b1,b2,b3) in parallel.
> To this end, I have increased the maximum number of slots to 3, with
> the option -S [number of slots].

Task spooler has a limited support for dependencies.
Probably, an external logic is required to handle this case.

> I would like the b1,b2,b3 tasks to wait until the task a1 (or a2, or
> both) is completed.
> I have tried using the -w option as per the manual; however it does
> not appear to work. For instance, if I specify the id
> of the previous process, e.g. tsp -w [id] echo "hello world", the
> command seems to hang until the process [id] is finished,
> and then nothing happens.

At a first glance things are working as expected.

-w is an action to wait for task completion. Nothing else should happen here.

-D is an option for declaring dependency when running a new task.

In both cases completion of a single task is tracked.

> On the other hand, if I use the option -D [id], which does the same
> thing but also checks if the task [id] finished well, it
> seems to work as intended. However, simply using option -D instead of
> option -w is not ok in my application, since the tasks a1,a2
> and b1,b2,b3 are independent and the latter should start even if the
> former return an error.

Checking for exit status is a right thing to do, usually.
A simple shell wrapper to hide error could help here.

Another wrapper could collect results from tasks a*
and provide a single dependency to tasks b*.

> Are you able to replicate the bug and, if so, could you please provide a fix?

I could forward request upstream to support multiple dependencies.

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