Control: reopen 908524
Control: reopen 919544
Control: block 908524 by 919544
Control: summary 908524 Section corrected in package metadata. This bug is not 
fixed until package override is changed (bug#919544).

On 2018-09-11, Ben Finney wrote:
> Since the package is already in Debian with a different section, you
> will also need to submit a request to override the existing section
> <URL:>.
> Then mark that new bug report as blocked by this one, to show the
> dependency between them.

 \        “Good morning, Pooh Bear”, said Eeyore gloomily. “If it is a |
  `\   good morning”, he said. “Which I doubt”, said he. —A. A. Milne, |
_o__)                                                _Winnie-the-Pooh_ |
Ben Finney <>

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