Control: tags -1 + stretch pending
Control: retitle -1 RM: flickrbackup -- RoM; ancient; abandoned upstream; 

On Sat, 2019-01-19 at 12:24 -0500, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote:
> I took this code a few years ago and became the packager & upstream.
> It uses an old API and I'm not willing to update it anymore, since
> there are other newer tools (already packaged in Debian) for the same
> purpose.
> This package has been removed from unstable already (#904925). Please
> remove it from stable and testing.

Removing a source package from both stable and testing requires two
separate bugs. However, in this case, the removal from testing had
already happened /before/ the unstable removal anyway, so this bug will
suffice for the stable removal.



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