tags 773561 + moreinfo

Hi Sydney,

This is about the bug report about nested virtualization that you filed
before in the Debian bug tracker, against the Xen packages.

The following is the standard text that I'm sending to a while bunch of
old debian bug reports. In this case, running a nested hypervisor, I
think you'd be far better off anyway taking this to the upstream Xen
mailing lists.

---- >8 ----

Your bug report was targeted at a Xen package in a Debian distribution
older than the current stable (Stretch).

Can you please help us by confirming that any of the following scenarios
does apply to your situation?

* I had this problem a long time ago. It was never solved, but I found a
workaround, which is ...
* I had this problem a long time ago, and I solved it by not using Xen
any more, but by doing ...
* I still experience this problem, and I'm still using Xen
3.2/4.1/4.4/etc. I cannot upgrade to Debian Stretch or Buster because ...
* I had this problem, and since upgrading to Stretch / Buster / ? it
seems it was solved, and I forgot to report it again. Please close it,
* Other: ...

Note that even if you found a solution, it's still very useful to report
it back to our bug tracker. There might be someone else running into the
same problem, who can be helped with your information.

Please note that unless there's a response within a month from now, we
will close the bug report. If you discover this message later, and this
case is important to you, then you can try unarchiving the bug and
replying to it, or reach out to the maintainers email list at
pkg-xen-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org (no subscription required) and
post a message.

Hans van Kranenburg

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