Hello everybody,

Georg Faerber:
> Short update on this:
> - python-nautilus 1.2.2-1 was uploaded to unstable some days ago.
> - Therefore, in theory, we could now ship and install the Nautilus
>   extension.
> - I just tried to do so, however, it seems, that currently
>   python-nautilus builds against python2.7 [1], while we need python3.
> - I'll talk to the maintainers how to go forward.

I did some work on this yesterday, but I fear that we won't find a
solution to this in time for buster.

I crafted a patch for nautilus-python that builds a python3 package, but
unfortunately the python2 and python3 packages cannot be co-installed
and need to conflict on each other. See the discussion on my merge
request for further details:


I discussed the issue with Jeremy Bicha in detail and we see two options:

a) Develop a hack for nautilus-python to build a separate python3
   version. That would need to have a new include path for
   nautilus-python extension in order to be co-installable with the
   python2 version. Jeremy would consider to accept such a hack for
b) Wait till after buster, and then do a proper transition from
   python-nautilus to pytohn3-nautilus.

I'll see whether I find time during the next days to work out something
for option a, but I have my doubts that we'll make it in time for Buster.


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