On 19.10.10 18:05, Toomas Tamm wrote:

Hi Toomas,

http://bugs.debian.org/600733 . Old bug, I know.

> An attempt to run the examples from the tutorial:
> http://www.xindy.org/doc/tutorial-2.html
> eg the command:
> $ xindy -l ex1.xlg style1.xdy ex1.raw
> results in the error message:
> Unknown option: l
> usage: xindy [-V?h] [-qv] [-d magic] [-o outfile.ind] [-t log] \
>             [-L lang] [-C codepage] [-M module] [-I input] \
>             [--interactive] [--mem-file xindy.mem] \
>             [idx0 idx1 ...]
> [rest of message truncated for brevity of bug report - TT ]
The examples are still broken on the xindy web page (project seems to be
rather dead). But the samples in the documentation delivered w/ Debian
are fixed. I tend to close the issue.

Do you agree here?

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