On Sat, Feb 09, 2019 at 04:37:17PM +0100, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> And then there's the GNOME/Gtk3/Qt/... settings.

If these accessibility features would be tunable by environment
variables which were interpreted by libraries or config files, that
would be perfectly fine by me. If I could just install some libraries or
such a settings program and then set those values in a way that I would
have them in awesome, but without Gome and friends, that would also be
perfectly acceptable.

> You have choosen awesome.

And for a good reason. For about everything else in those "desktop
environments" does not work for me and my workflows. I've lost my
desktop environments more often than I can remember, due to profile
corruption on every computer and every version I tried, to the point
that I could not even run Firefox on a pretty vanilla Gnome in Stretch,
where I once arrived in a situation where deleting all dot files and
directories under ~user/ did not make it work again. However, shutting
down Gnome and starting awesome fixed the problem immediately.

This accessibility issue does not outweigh the plethora of problems I
experience with "desktop enviromnents" within weeks or days after trying
to use them, and should imho be solved in a generic way that's open to
every GUI user.


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