On Fri, 08 Feb 2019 at 22:46:21 +0100, Sandro Knauß wrote:
> Keep in mind, that kdepimlibs is an old grufted lib set that we also would 
> like to kill.

Perhaps you could ask the ftp team to override its Section to oldlibs
to indicate this?

> But we also have other packages depending on it like:
> * basket 
> * kopete (it has a QT5 version in experimental, but this is suitable as 
> replacement yet).
>  and other that may can be killed.

FYI, here is the size of the problem:

smcv@coccia ~ % dak rm -R -n -s testing kdepimlibs libical
Checking reverse dependencies...
# Broken Depends:
kde-runtime: kde-runtime
kopete: kopete
syncevolution: syncevolution-libs-kde

# Broken Build-Depends:
basket: kdepimlibs5-dev (>= 4:4.4.3)
kde-runtime: kdepimlibs5-dev
kopete: kdepimlibs5-dev
syncevolution: kdepimlibs5-dev


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