
On 2/14/19 3:24 PM, Diederik de Haas wrote:
> On woensdag 13 februari 2019 15:51:04 CET you wrote:
>> #922145: irssi: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/irssi/help/otr', which is
>> also in package irssi-plugin-otr
>> It has been closed by Rhonda D'Vine <rho...@debian.org>.
> I think it's not actually fixed as I just got the error again.
> Now with version 1.2.0-2, but 'the other way around'.

 Yes, that's correct.  When fixing it in -2 I didn't do the things with
respect to Breaks+Replaces, and given that this affects only people
upgrading from 1.2.0-1 to 1.2.0-2 I consider it an acceptable tradeoff
to not roll out a -3. The -1 was only a bit more than half a day in the
archive, so ...

 So upgrading from testing (or former stable) to the 1.2.0 packages
should work without any troubles yet.  I'll specifically try that out,
especially also with respect to partial upgrades (like, only -otr
package, only irssi, both at the same times), and if something still
pops up I'll do the Breaks+Replaces dance. :)


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