Control: reassign -1 libqt5core5a/5.11.3+dfsg-2
Control: affects -1 plasma-desktop

Control: severity -1 important

Please, don't abuse the bugs severity just to get more attention.

El 2019-02-17 a las 10:06 +0100, Charlemagne Lasse escribió:
Package: plasma-desktop
Version: 4:5.14.5-1
Severity: critical
Justification: makes unrelated software break on the system

The "regional settings" allow to select various regions which are not
available on the system (even with locales-all). An example here is
en_DE (Germany) for "Time". This is then exported at the next login in
the env variable LC_TIME as "en_DE.UTF-8". This is not supported on
any Debian buster installation and is causing other software to break.

This is a known issue (see, plasma desktop here simply shows the result of calling:
QList<QLocale> allLocales = QLocale::matchingLocales(QLocale::AnyLanguage, 
QLocale::AnyScript, QLocale::AnyCountry);

(See kcms/formats/kcmformats.cpp in plasma-desktop) supplied by qt, which contains a rather large set of locales definitions, some of which don't have a libc's locales equivalent.

It would be nice to either limit qt's locales to the ones available to libc somehow, this might be done patching qtlocale at build time, or patching the kcmformats to reduce the list to the ones matching the currently generated locales.

Patches to either approach would be welcome.

Happy hacking,
"If you are in a hole, stop digging." -- The First Rule of Excavation
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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