Package: bash-completion
Version: 1:2.8-5

$ set apt-show-versions
$ zless /usr/share/doc/$@/ch<TAB>
$ zless /usr/share/doc/$@/ch
chromium          chromium-common   chromium-sandbox  chromium-shell
$ zless /usr/share/doc/\$@/chromium


OK, now shortening the last string sitting on my terminal, and hitting
TAB again
$ zless /usr/share/doc/\$@/ch<TAB>
it just beeps, proving that adding the \ was nonsense in the first

$ echo zless /usr/share/doc/$@/ch*
zless /usr/share/doc/apt-show-versions/changelog.gz

shows what I was trying to match.

I'm not saying you need to deal with $@ (for now yet, maybe in a few
years), but at least don't insert \ .

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