On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 21:41:52 +0100 Chris West <deb...@fau.xxx> wrote:
> Source: powermock
> Version: 1.6.6
> Severity: normal
> User: debian-j...@lists.debian.org
> Usertags: default-java9
> Powermock fails to work properly on Java 9.

Powermock still fails to build but has not been removed from testing yet
because it has several reverse-build-dependencies:

reverse-depends -b libpowermock-java

* jline2

* commons-email
* dnssecjava
* libcommons-compress-java
* shiro

I don't really believe that we can still upgrade powermock to 2.x. So
the question is what to do. Worst case is to disable the tests in the
above packages and to remove libpowermock-java from B-D.

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