Hi, I made a new version that is supposed to solve the problem if you removed 
mozilla-firefox before than the mozilla-firefox-locale-xx packages, but I'm 
waiting for my sponsor to upload it.

For the moment, the only way I could reproduce the problem was to "dpkg -r 
--force-depends mozilla-firefox".

Can you tell me what did you exactly do for get the problem?
(What versions did you had at the begining?
What commands did you execute?)

If you already got the problem, a quick an ugly fix is to 
"rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/mozilla-firefox-locale-fr-fr.postrm".
(And then "aptitude remove mozilla-firefox-locale-fr-fr").

Please, note that mozilla-firefox-locale-eu is not under my maintenaince, so I 
don't know about it.



El Domingo 20 Febrero 2005 18:04, Eric Bavu escribió:
> Hello,
> I had the problem related in bug n°294175 with the package
> mozilla-firefox-locale-fr-fr and mozilla-firefox-eu.
> The solution proposed to add the file defaults.ini wasn't accurate in my
> configuration (debian mozilla-firefox 1.0+dfsg.1-6).
> Furthermore, it prevented me to use firefox (uninstall/install of
> mozilla-firefox and impossible to configure firefox after the aptitude
> install).
> The only solution I found to remove the packages was apt-get remove
> --purge mozilla-firefox* , a bit violent, isn't it ?
> If you have the solution to prevent this bug with defaults.ini ... (when
> I create this file, and I try to uninstall the packages
> mozilla-firefox-fr-fr and mozilla-firefox-eu , I still have the error
> message :
> Updating mozilla-firefox chrome registry...E:
> /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions/installed-extensions.txt still
> present. Registration might have gone wrong.
> mv: ne peut évaluer `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/defaults.ini': Aucun
> fichier ou répertoire de ce type
> dpkg : erreur de traitement de mozilla-firefox-locale-eu (--remove) :
>   le sous-processus post-removal script a retourné une erreur de sortie
> d'état 1
> And then, the file defaults.ini disappears again ...

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