
On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 11:05:59PM +0100, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote:
> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/doc-debian still lists
> svn://anonscm.debian.org/ddp/packages/trunk/doc-debian/ as vcs.
> The repo should get converted from SVN to git and should get moved to e.g.
> https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team .

Now working on it.  (Found back our old svn repo @
https://alioth-archive.debian.org/svn/ddp.tar.xz, svndumpfilter-ing now.)



PS/Notes to self:

> (it seems https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ddp is not used; maybe
> that should get removed?)

And, at svn://anonscm.debian.org/ddp/ we also used to have:

 webpages: 1998 - 2000
 articles: 2002 (just one commit, xml/sgml source for
  counting-potatoes debian-international debian-presentation package-interfaces
 man-cgi: 2007 - 2017 (and obsolete)
 manpages: 2002 - 2006 (manpage translations in 9 languages, likely/hopely now
  merged and maintained in upstream projects)
 utils: 2002 - 2003

This did not end up @ https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team .  Perhaps that should
just stay archived there?

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