Hi Steve,

Thanks for your help.

Tar archives of the contents of /var/lib/pam before and after running 'dpkg-reconfigure libpam-runtime' are attached as pam.before.tar and pam.after.tar.

Before running 'dpkg-reconfigure libpam-runtime', the output of 'debconf-show libpam-runtime' is:

 libpam-runtime/override: false
* libpam-runtime/profiles: unix, systemd, gnome-keyring

After running 'dpkg-reconfigure libpam-runtime' but making no changes, the output changes to:

 libpam-runtime/override: false
* libpam-runtime/profiles: unix, gnome-keyring

Running 'pam-auth-update --enable systemd' restores the original debconf output.

The computer was installed only this weekend using the latest Debian Buster alpha installer. The 'debsums -ce' command says that all configuration files are in their default states.

Best wishes, Matthew

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 03:34:53PM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
Control: tags -1 moreinfo unreproducible

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 02:01:42PM -0800, Matthew Foulkes wrote:
Package: libpam-runtime
Version: 1.3.1-5
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

Running the

  dpkg-reconfigure libpam-runtime

command offers the user a list of pam profiles to enable or
disable. Whether or not the user decides to make any changes,
dpkg-reconfigure always silently disables the systemd profile,
breaking a lot of desktop functionality. Attempts to use
dpkg-reconfigure to re-enable the systemd profile fail

The problem can be fixed by running

  pam-auth-update --enable systemd

but reappears whenever dpkg-reconfigure is used again.

I cannot reproduce this problem locally.  Please attach the contents of your
/var/lib/pam directory and the output of the command 'debconf-show

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                   https://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

 email: m.foul...@blueyonder.co.uk
 phone: 07905 505676

Attachment: pam.before.tar
Description: Unix tar archive

Attachment: pam.after.tar
Description: Unix tar archive

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