Package: devscripts
Version: 2.19.3
Severity: serious
Justification: regression


Not sure on the severity, but better safe than sorry, please downgrade
as needed or see it fitting better.

I had prepared an upload where I issued mergechanges --indep on the
_amd64.changes to produce a changes to include only source packages
and architecture-independent packages.

$ mergechanges --indep -f linux_4.9.161-1_amd64.changes 
Error: acpi-modules-4.9.0-9-amd64-di not found in Binary field                  
b4ae0b22174cb1c7bf009bfcf0deaee8 10304 debian-installer extra 

This seems related to the change included in the 2.19.3 version, as
the version in stretch creates the _multi.changes correctly.

I'm attaching the original amd64.changes, plus the multi.changes
produced with 2.17.6+deb9u2 and the multi.changes.broken produced with


Attachment: linux_4.9.161-1_amd64.changes.xz
Description: application/xz

Attachment: linux_4.9.161-1_multi.changes.xz
Description: application/xz

Attachment: linux_4.9.161-1_multi.changes.broken.xz
Description: application/xz

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