Control: reassign -1 libhttp-message-perl

This little script shows that error comes from HTTP::Response:

  use LWP::UserAgent;
  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  my $q  = '';
  $response = $ua->get($q);
  if ($response->is_success) {
    die "Unable to decode" unless (defined $response->decoded_content);
    print $response->decoded_content;
  else {
    print STDERR $response->status_line, "\n";

Le 28/02/2019 à 15:49, Xavier a écrit :
> Le 28/02/2019 à 14:04, Patrick Matthäi a écrit :
>> Package: devscripts
>> Version: 2.19.3
>> Severity: normal
>> Hi,
>> with uscan on buster (instead of stretch) uscan fails to check two packages:
>> $ uscan --report --verbose
>> uscan info: uscan (version 2.19.3) See uscan(1) for help
>> uscan info: Scan watch files in .
>> uscan info: Check debian/watch and debian/changelog in .
>> uscan info: package="ckport" version="0.1~rc1-8" (as seen in 
>> debian/changelog)
>> uscan info: package="ckport" version="0.1~rc1" (no epoch/revision)
>> uscan info: ./debian/changelog sets package="ckport" version="0.1~rc1"
>> uscan info: Found upstream signing keyring: debian/upstream/signing-key.asc
>> uscan info: Process watch file at: debian/watch
>>     package = ckport
>>     version = 0.1~rc1
>>     pkg_dir = .
>> uscan info: opts: 
>> pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.asc/,uversionmangle=s/~//;s/beta/~beta/;s/-pr/~pr/;s/rc/~rc/
>> uscan info: line: 
>> ckport-([^-]*)\.tar\.gz
>> uscan info: Parsing pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.asc/
>> uscan info: Parsing uversionmangle=s/~//;s/beta/~beta/;s/-pr/~pr/;s/rc/~rc/
>> uscan info: line: 
>> ckport-([^-]*)\.tar\.gz
>> uscan info: Last orig.tar.* tarball version (from debian/changelog): 0.1~rc1
>> uscan info: Last orig.tar.* tarball version (dversionmangled): 0.1~rc1
>> uscan info: Requesting URL:
>> Use of uninitialized value $content in concatenation (.) or string at 
>> /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Uscan/ line 66.
> This looks like a bug in HTTP::Response: $response contains valid HTML
> data in $response->{_content} but $response->decoded_content returns
> "undef".
> (Cc to Perl team)
> Dumper of $response:
> $VAR1 = bless( {
>   '_msg' => 'Ok',
>   '_protocol' => 'HTTP/1.1',
>   '_content' => '<HTML>
> <HEAD><TITLE>Index of</TITLE></HEAD>
> <BODY BGCOLOR="#99cc99" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#2020ff" VLINK="#4040cc">
> <H4>Index of</H4>
> <PRE>
> <A HREF=".">.                               </A>    11Aug2012 17:38
>       4096
> <A HREF="..">..                              </A>    29Apr2011 13:58
>        4096
> <A HREF=".cvsignore">.cvsignore                      </A>    05Jul2012
> 13:00             15
> <A HREF="CVS">CVS                             </A>    05Jul2012 13:00
>         4096
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1beta0.tar.gz">ckport-0.1beta0.tar.gz          </A>
>  15Apr2011 00:49          18636
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1beta0.tar.gz.asc">ckport-0.1beta0.tar.gz.asc
> </A>    15Apr2011 00:49            482
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1beta1.tar.gz">ckport-0.1beta1.tar.gz          </A>
>  06May2011 22:58          19485
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1beta1.tar.gz.asc">ckport-0.1beta1.tar.gz.asc
> </A>    06May2011 22:58            482
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1beta2.tar.gz">ckport-0.1beta2.tar.gz          </A>
>  28May2011 15:26          20379
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1beta2.tar.gz.asc">ckport-0.1beta2.tar.gz.asc
> </A>    28May2011 15:26            482
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1rc0.tar.gz">ckport-0.1rc0.tar.gz            </A>
> 23Jul2011 22:38          20670
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1rc0.tar.gz.asc">ckport-0.1rc0.tar.gz.asc        </A>
>    23Jul2011 22:38            482
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1rc1.tar.gz">ckport-0.1rc1.tar.gz            </A>
> 11Aug2012 17:38          21514
> <A HREF="ckport-0.1rc1.tar.gz.asc">ckport-0.1rc1.tar.gz.asc        </A>
>    11Aug2012 17:38            482
> </PRE>
> <HR>
> HREF="";>mini_httpd/1.19
> 19dec2003</A></ADDRESS>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> ',
>   '_request' => bless( {
>      '_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o =
> '')}, 'URI::http' ),
>      '_content' => '',
>      '_uri_canonical' => $VAR1->{'_request'}{'_uri'},
>      '_headers' => bless( {
>        'user-agent' => 'Debian uscan'
>      }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
>      '_method' => 'GET'
>      }, 'HTTP::Request' ),
>   '_headers' => bless( {
>     'content-type' => 'text/html; charset=%s',
>     'content-length' => '1731',
>     'last-modified' => 'Sat, 11 Aug 2012 15:38:03 GMT',
>     '::std_case' => {
>       'client-date' => 'Client-Date',
>       'client-peer' => 'Client-Peer',
>       'client-response-num' => 'Client-Response-Num',
>       'title' => 'Title'
>   },
>   'client-date' => 'Thu, 28 Feb 2019 14:42:00 GMT',
>   'date' => 'Thu, 28 Feb 2019 14:42:00 GMT',
>   'title' => 'Index of',
>   'client-response-num' => 1,
>   'server' => 'mini_httpd/1.19 19dec2003',
>   'connection' => 'close',
>   'client-peer' => '2a01:4f8:221:1e01::5:2:80'
>  }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
>  '_rc' => 200
> }, 'HTTP::Response' );

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