On 2/28/19 4:30 PM, James Pooton wrote:
>> What version of the openssl package is installed?
> Currently we’ve got the following versions getting installed:
> openssl: Installed: 1.1.1a-1 Candidate: 1.1.1a-1 Version table: ***
> 1.1.1a-1 500 500 http://deb.debian.org/debian buster/main armhf
> Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> ca-certificates: Installed: 20190110 Candidate: 20190110 Version
> table: *** 20190110 500 500 http://deb.debian.org/debian buster/main
> armhf Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
>> This does sound like a potential issue with `openssl rehash`. Your 
>> workaround looks OK for the moment, but the problem is that the
>> openssl devs would like to remove the deprecated `c_rehash`
>> utility. At this point in the release cycle, it's possible c_rehash
>> may stick around for Buster, but no guarantees from me on that one
>> - that's up to the openssl folks.
> Yep..  I actually read about that in the issue where that was
> changed.  Just wasn’t able to get ‘openssl rehash’ to work myself
> either, so fell back to the deprecated call for now.
>>> qemu: Unsupported syscall: 382
>> I can't find what syscall 382 should be, it seems to be higher than
>> all the numbers I can find, the higest number is 294.
> I’m with you on that.  It’s odd, but that’s the syscall number I’ve
> seen on Docker for Mac, Windows, and Linux using QEMU.  Linux also
> kicks out some 384 but it didn’t appear related.
>> Can you give combination of ca-certificates / openssl that works /
>> fails?
> I actually was looking to see if I could just apt install the
> previous packages to verify things, but they don’t seem to be options
> in the repo any more according to apt-cache.  But I’ll see if I can’t
> find the previous packages that were being install when things were
> building fine.  I’ll let you know.

20170717 was the previous version in testing (20180409 introduced the
`openssl rehash` usage and was kept from testing for an important bug).

20170717 used the perl c_rehash utility. If you need it, here it is!


Kind regards,

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