On Sat, Mar 02, 2019 at 09:43:57AM +0100, François Mazen wrote:
> Package name    : zipios
> Version         :

>   Changes since the last upload:
>   * Rename to Zipios from Zipios++
>   * New maintainer (Closes: #834214)
>   * Import new upstream release (Closes: #834171)
>   * Add watch file
>   * Fix reproducible issue with doxygen documentation
>   * Rename to libzipios2 from libzipios0v5 and create a transition
> package.
>   * Add autopkgtest
>   * Add upstream metadata

Alas, the transition freeze is in for quite a while already, and we're
entering hard freeze.  There's no way to get such a rename in.

Even if we uploaded your new version today, it'd stay in NEW then in
unstable until Buster's release -- for no benefit but blocking any fixes to
the frozen package.

Thus, I'm afraid such changes should wait.

⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Have you accepted Khorne as your lord and saviour?

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