
I've been hit by seemingly the same bug on two of my machines.

Since about mid-February, I noticed that my two Debian sid desktops no longer produced any sound. On one of them, I use lightdm+mate, on the other I use lightdm+kodi. Both were updated roughly weekly, with only official sid repositories.

I quickly found out that the sound was broken because pulseaudio was not starting, having no permission to access the sound devices. In turn, I found that this permission should have been granted through dbus and systemd --user, which were both absent from the process list.

Same symptoms for both machine:
$ systemctl --user status
Failed to read server status: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1

Last systemd user logs were from a boot mid-january when sound still worked. Absolutely no logs since then, just like for Eduard (I tried all the suggestions above).

systemd --user does not start at all from the user session.

loginctl shows only the lightdm session, not the real user one:

$ loginctl
     c3 135 lightdm seat0

I have the same systemd error as Eduard when starting it manually:

$ systemd --user
Trying to run as user instance, but $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set.

XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and XDG_SESSION_ID are both unset in my environment.

$ env|grep XDG

I tried logging in as a brand new user with an empty home directory, the problem is reproduced.

I tried replacing lightdm with sddm, and mate-session with cinnamon or gnome, all fail the same way.

I tried installing a brand new VM with lightdm and mate-session, everything works fine.

I can notice a difference with dbus though. On my broken machine:
$ env|grep DBUS

On my working VM:
env|grep DBUS

I can see a related change in systemd 241:
* $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable is set by pam_systemd

/run/user/1000 does not exist on my broken machine. On the working machine, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is /run/user/1000 and exists and is populated.

On one of my broken machines, /run/user is empty, and on the other it only contains an entry for the lightdm user:
$ ls -al /run/user/135
ls: cannot access '/run/user/135/gvfs': Permission denied
total 0
drwx------ 8 lightdm lightdm 180 Feb 26 19:52 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 root    root     60 Feb 26 19:52 ../
srw-rw-rw- 1 lightdm lightdm   0 Feb 26 19:52 bus=
drwx------ 3 lightdm lightdm  60 Feb 26 19:52 dbus-1/
drwx------ 2 lightdm lightdm  60 Feb 26 19:52 dconf/
drwx------ 2 lightdm lightdm 140 Feb 26 19:52 gnupg/
d????????? ? ?       ?         ?            ? gvfs/
drwxr-xr-x 2 lightdm lightdm  60 Feb 26 19:52 pulse/
drwxr-xr-x 2 lightdm lightdm  80 Feb 26 19:52 systemd/

Is there anything else I can check in this direction?

I guess the problem must come from some system configuration on both of my machines, maybe some old file in /etc. debsums -ce shows only modifications to files from completely unrelated packages (libvirt, grub).

My next idea would be to try to purge and reinstall most systemd packages, but it will be tricky on a live system.

Does anyone have any other idea to test short of reinstalling?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards

Julien Leproust

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