Control: 922624 -patch
Control: 922642 +patch

Beware, this should go to #922642 not #922624. Changelog (below) still
needs to be adjusted.


Dmitry Bogatov wrote...

control: tags -1 +patch

Hello! Here is debdiff with implementation of proposal -- `execlineb' is
moved to /usr/bin and it includes /usr/lib/execline/bin into PATH. Every
binary in /usr/bin needs a manual, so I conjured one with `help2man',
but it definitely need polishing.

Thank you for packaging and maintaining `execline'.

diff -Nru execline- execline-
--- execline-   2019-02-08 14:36:23.000000000 +0000
+++ execline-   2019-03-06 17:53:53.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+execline ( UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Add `/usr/lib/execline/bin' into PATH for scripts, invoked by `execlineb'.
+    (Closes: #922624)
+  * Move execlineb into `/usr/bin'.
+ -- Dmitry Bogatov <>  Wed, 06 Mar 2019 17:53:53 +0000
 execline ( unstable; urgency=medium
   * Add dep8 autopkgtest script
diff -Nru execline- 
--- execline- 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ execline- 2019-03-06 17:53:53.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.47.8.
+.TH EXECLINEB "1" "March 2019" "Debian" "User Commands"
+execlineb \- manual page for execlineb execline
+The execlineb program
+execlineb reads and executes a script.
+execlineb [ \fB\-q\fR | \fB\-w\fR | \fB\-W\fR ] [ \fB\-p\fR | \fB\-P\fR | 
\fB\-S\fR nmin | \fB\-s\fR nmin ] \fB\-c\fR script [ args... ]
+execlineb [ \fB\-q\fR | \fB\-w\fR | \fB\-W\fR ] [ \fB\-p\fR | \fB\-P\fR | 
\fB\-S\fR nmin | \fB\-s\fR nmin ] scriptfile [ args... ]
+or in an executable file:
+#!/command/execlineb [ \fB\-qwWpPSnmin\fR ]
+Parsing phase.
+* execlineb reads and parses the script it is given. It exits 100 on a
+syntax error and 111 on a temporary error. It makes an argv, i.e. a
+system command line, with the parsed script. If the argv is empty,
+execlineb exits 0.
+Environment management phase.
+* Pushing the current stack frame. If none of the \fB\-p\fR, \fB\-P\fR, 
\fB\-S\fR or \fB\-s\fR
+options is set: execlineb pushes the current positional parameters,
+i.e. environment variables that start with #, 0, 1, ..., 9. To get the
+previous values back, use emptyenv \fB\-P\fR.
+* Setting the new stack frame. If none of the \fB\-P\fR, \fB\-S\fR or 
\fB\-s\fR options is
++ execlineb sets the # environment variable to the number n of args
+it is given.
++ It sets the 0 environment variable to the name of the script \- or
+to the execlineb invocation name if the \fB\-c\fR option is used.
++ It sets the 1, 2, ... n environment variables to the different
+Execution phase.
+* execlineb executes into the argv it has built from the script. There
+is only one command line for the whole script: the execlineb binary is
+a launcher, whose sole purpose is to execute into that command line.
+It does not stay in memory like a traditional interpreter would.
+* \fB\-c\fR script : execute script, do not look for a file.
+See below for the other options.
+Syntax of scripts
+An execlineb script is a string that must not contain the null character.
+execlineb parses it and divides it into words. The parser recognizes the
+following components:
+* whitespace is defined as spaces, tabs, newlines and carriage returns.
+Words are always separated by whitespace.
+* A quoted string begins with a doublequote (") and ends with another
+doublequote. Quoted doublequotes must be prefixed by a backslash (\e).
+Quoted strings always evaluate to exactly one word. For instance, ""
+evaluates to the empty word.
+* The \ea, \eb, \et, \en, \ev, \ef, and \er sequences are recognized in quoted
+strings, and are converted to the ASCII numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
+and 13 respectively.
+* Inside a quoted string, backslashed newlines disappear completely.
+* \e0xab sequences are recognized in quoted strings and evaluate to ASCII
+hexadecimal number ab.
+* \e0abc sequences are recognized in quoted strings and evaluate to ASCII
+octal number abc.
+* \eabc sequences are recognized in quoted strings and evaluate to ASCII
+decimal number abc. a must not be zero.
+* A comment starts with a # and ends with the line. Comments are not
+recognized inside quoted strings.
+* Anything else is an unquoted string, that can evaluate to zero or more
+* Any character can be escaped in unquoted strings by prepending it with
+a backslash. It works the same way in quoted strings, except for the
+special sequences described above.
+You can see an example of distinct execlineb components here.
+In addition to that simple lexing, execlineb performs the following
+higher\-level parsing:
+* A word consisting of a single opening brace ({) increments an internal
+level counter, blevel, and disappears from the argv. Quoted open
+braces do not have that behaviour.
+* A word consisting of a single closing brace (}) decrements blevel, and
+is replaced with the empty word. Quoted closing braces do not have
+that behaviour.
+* If execlineb finds that braces are unmatched (i.e. blevel goes below 0
+during the parsing, or is not 0 at the end of the script), it exits
+100 with an error message.
+* execlineb automatically quotes blocks. Which means that everytime it
+finds a word, it prepends it with blevel spaces.
+For proper execution, the sequence of words must follow the execline
+Options for block syntax checking
+External execline commands that read blocks, like foreground, use the
+EXECLINE_STRICT environment variable: if it is set to 1, they will print a
+warning message on stderr if they find their blocks not to be properly
+quoted. If it is set to 2, they will also die. If it is set to 0, or
+unset, they won't complain at all.
+Normally the EXECLINE_STRICT environment variable is inherited from the
+caller. You can force it unset, set to 1, or set to 2 by giving
+respectively the \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-w\fR or \fB\-W\fR option to execlineb.
+Options for environment management
+Normally, execline scripts are reentrant: environment variables
+potentially overwritten by execlineb, such as # or 0, are pushed. This is
+the standard, safe behaviour. Nevertheless, it is rather costly, and may
+be unneeded for small scripts: for those cases, execline comes with two
+options that bypass the environment management. Be warned that the purpose
+of these options is optimization, and you should not use them if you're
+not familiar with the way execlineb uses the environment to store
+positional parameters. Alternatively, there's also an integrated
+substitution mechanism that doesn't make use of the environment at all.
+* The \fB\-p\fR option will bypass the push phase: the current frame of
+positional parameters will be overwritten. The script will not be
+* The \fB\-P\fR option will bypass positional parameter handling completely:
+the environment will not be pushed, and positional parameters will be
+ignored. execlineb \fB\-P\fR \fB\-c\fR "script" is equivalent to, but more 
+than, execlineb \fB\-c\fR "emptyenv \fB\-P\fR script". You should use the 
\fB\-P\fR option
+only in standalone scripts that take no arguments, such as s6's or
+runit's run scripts.
+* The \fB\-S\fR nmin option will substitute the positional parameters \- up to
+at least nmin \- but will not push nor set environment variables.
+execlineb \fB\-S3\fR \fB\-c\fR "script" is equivalent to, but more efficient 
+execlineb \fB\-c\fR "elgetpositionals \fB\-P3\fR emptyenv \fB\-P\fR script". 
See the
+* The \fB\-s\fR nmin option behaves just like the \fB\-S\fR option, except 
that it
+defines $@ as the rest of the command line after nmin arguments have
+been removed.
+Current limitations
+execlineb builds and executes a unique argv with the script: hence scripts
+are subject to OS\-dependent limitations such as the kernel buffer size for
+argv and envp \- at least 64 kB on most systems. This means that execlineb
+cannot execute arbitrarily large scripts. Be careful with deeply nested
+scripts too: without the \fB\-p\fR/\-P/\-S/\-s option, each execlineb 
+uses up some space in the environment.
+The execlineb program
+execlineb reads and executes a script.
+execlineb [ \fB\-q\fR | \fB\-w\fR | \fB\-W\fR ] [ \fB\-p\fR | \fB\-P\fR | 
\fB\-S\fR nmin | \fB\-s\fR nmin ] \fB\-c\fR script [ args... ]
+execlineb [ \fB\-q\fR | \fB\-w\fR | \fB\-W\fR ] [ \fB\-p\fR | \fB\-P\fR | 
\fB\-S\fR nmin | \fB\-s\fR nmin ] scriptfile [ args... ]
+or in an executable file:
+#!/command/execlineb [ \fB\-qwWpPSnmin\fR ]
+Parsing phase.
+* execlineb reads and parses the script it is given. It exits 100 on a
+syntax error and 111 on a temporary error. It makes an argv, i.e. a
+system command line, with the parsed script. If the argv is empty,
+execlineb exits 0.
+Environment management phase.
+* Pushing the current stack frame. If none of the \fB\-p\fR, \fB\-P\fR, 
\fB\-S\fR or \fB\-s\fR
+options is set: execlineb pushes the current positional parameters,
+i.e. environment variables that start with #, 0, 1, ..., 9. To get the
+previous values back, use emptyenv \fB\-P\fR.
+* Setting the new stack frame. If none of the \fB\-P\fR, \fB\-S\fR or 
\fB\-s\fR options is
++ execlineb sets the # environment variable to the number n of args
+it is given.
++ It sets the 0 environment variable to the name of the script \- or
+to the execlineb invocation name if the \fB\-c\fR option is used.
++ It sets the 1, 2, ... n environment variables to the different
+Execution phase.
+* execlineb executes into the argv it has built from the script. There
+is only one command line for the whole script: the execlineb binary is
+a launcher, whose sole purpose is to execute into that command line.
+It does not stay in memory like a traditional interpreter would.
+* \fB\-c\fR script : execute script, do not look for a file.
+See below for the other options.
+Syntax of scripts
+An execlineb script is a string that must not contain the null character.
+execlineb parses it and divides it into words. The parser recognizes the
+following components:
+* whitespace is defined as spaces, tabs, newlines and carriage returns.
+Words are always separated by whitespace.
+* A quoted string begins with a doublequote (") and ends with another
+doublequote. Quoted doublequotes must be prefixed by a backslash (\e).
+Quoted strings always evaluate to exactly one word. For instance, ""
+evaluates to the empty word.
+* The \ea, \eb, \et, \en, \ev, \ef, and \er sequences are recognized in quoted
+strings, and are converted to the ASCII numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
+and 13 respectively.
+* Inside a quoted string, backslashed newlines disappear completely.
+* \e0xab sequences are recognized in quoted strings and evaluate to ASCII
+hexadecimal number ab.
+* \e0abc sequences are recognized in quoted strings and evaluate to ASCII
+octal number abc.
+* \eabc sequences are recognized in quoted strings and evaluate to ASCII
+decimal number abc. a must not be zero.
+* A comment starts with a # and ends with the line. Comments are not
+recognized inside quoted strings.
+* Anything else is an unquoted string, that can evaluate to zero or more
+* Any character can be escaped in unquoted strings by prepending it with
+a backslash. It works the same way in quoted strings, except for the
+special sequences described above.
+You can see an example of distinct execlineb components here.
+In addition to that simple lexing, execlineb performs the following
+higher\-level parsing:
+* A word consisting of a single opening brace ({) increments an internal
+level counter, blevel, and disappears from the argv. Quoted open
+braces do not have that behaviour.
+* A word consisting of a single closing brace (}) decrements blevel, and
+is replaced with the empty word. Quoted closing braces do not have
+that behaviour.
+* If execlineb finds that braces are unmatched (i.e. blevel goes below 0
+during the parsing, or is not 0 at the end of the script), it exits
+100 with an error message.
+* execlineb automatically quotes blocks. Which means that everytime it
+finds a word, it prepends it with blevel spaces.
+For proper execution, the sequence of words must follow the execline
+Options for block syntax checking
+External execline commands that read blocks, like foreground, use the
+EXECLINE_STRICT environment variable: if it is set to 1, they will print a
+warning message on stderr if they find their blocks not to be properly
+quoted. If it is set to 2, they will also die. If it is set to 0, or
+unset, they won't complain at all.
+Normally the EXECLINE_STRICT environment variable is inherited from the
+caller. You can force it unset, set to 1, or set to 2 by giving
+respectively the \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-w\fR or \fB\-W\fR option to execlineb.
+Options for environment management
+Normally, execline scripts are reentrant: environment variables
+potentially overwritten by execlineb, such as # or 0, are pushed. This is
+the standard, safe behaviour. Nevertheless, it is rather costly, and may
+be unneeded for small scripts: for those cases, execline comes with two
+options that bypass the environment management. Be warned that the purpose
+of these options is optimization, and you should not use them if you're
+not familiar with the way execlineb uses the environment to store
+positional parameters. Alternatively, there's also an integrated
+substitution mechanism that doesn't make use of the environment at all.
+* The \fB\-p\fR option will bypass the push phase: the current frame of
+positional parameters will be overwritten. The script will not be
+* The \fB\-P\fR option will bypass positional parameter handling completely:
+the environment will not be pushed, and positional parameters will be
+ignored. execlineb \fB\-P\fR \fB\-c\fR "script" is equivalent to, but more 
+than, execlineb \fB\-c\fR "emptyenv \fB\-P\fR script". You should use the 
\fB\-P\fR option
+only in standalone scripts that take no arguments, such as s6's or
+runit's run scripts.
+* The \fB\-S\fR nmin option will substitute the positional parameters \- up to
+at least nmin \- but will not push nor set environment variables.
+execlineb \fB\-S3\fR \fB\-c\fR "script" is equivalent to, but more efficient 
+execlineb \fB\-c\fR "elgetpositionals \fB\-P3\fR emptyenv \fB\-P\fR script". 
See the
+* The \fB\-s\fR nmin option behaves just like the \fB\-S\fR option, except 
that it
+defines $@ as the rest of the command line after nmin arguments have
+been removed.
+Current limitations
+execlineb builds and executes a unique argv with the script: hence scripts
+are subject to OS\-dependent limitations such as the kernel buffer size for
+argv and envp \- at least 64 kB on most systems. This means that execlineb
+cannot execute arbitrarily large scripts. Be careful with deeply nested
+scripts too: without the \fB\-p\fR/\-P/\-S/\-s option, each execlineb 
+uses up some space in the environment.
diff -Nru execline- 
--- execline-   1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 
+++ execline-   2019-03-06 17:53:53.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff -Nru execline- 
--- execline- 1970-01-01 
00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ execline- 2019-03-06 
17:53:53.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+--- a/src/execline/execlineb.c
++++ b/src/execline/execlineb.c
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ #include <skalibs/djbunix.h>
+ #include <skalibs/skamisc.h>
+ #include <execline/execline.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "exlsn.h"
+ #define USAGE "execlineb [ -p | -P | -S nmin | -s nmin ] [ -q | -w | -W ] [ 
-c commandline ] script args"
+@@ -64,6 +65,27 @@ static int myexlp (stralloc *sa, char co
+   return -1 ;
+ }
++/* Add /usr/lib/execline/bin into PATH. See #922642. */
++static int adjust_path(const char *const *envp, stralloc *modif)
++  size_t oldlen = modif->len;
++  const char *old = env_get2(envp, "PATH");
++  stralloc new = STRALLOC_ZERO;
++  if (!old) return 1 ;
++  if (!stralloc_cats(&new, "/usr/lib/execline/bin:")
++   || !stralloc_cats(&new, old)
++   || !env_addmodif(modif, "PATH", new.s)
++   || setenv("PATH", new.s, 1) == -1)
++  {
++    stralloc_free(&new);
++    modif->len = oldlen;
++    return 0;
++  }
++  return 1;
+ int main (int argc, char const *const *argv, char const *const *envp)
+ {
+   stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ;
+@@ -133,6 +155,9 @@ int main (int argc, char const *const *a
+       goto errenv ;
+   }
++  if (!adjust_path(envp, &modif))
++    goto errenv ;
+   if (flagpushenv == 3 || flagpushenv == 4)
+   {
+     if (flagstrict && ((unsigned int)argc < nmin))
diff -Nru execline- 
--- execline-      2019-02-08 14:36:23.000000000 
+++ execline-      2019-03-06 17:53:53.000000000 
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff -Nru execline- execline-
--- execline-       2019-02-08 14:36:23.000000000 +0000
+++ execline-       2019-03-06 17:53:53.000000000 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
        mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/execline
        cp -aT doc debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/execline
+       dh_auto_install
+       mkdir -p debian/execline/usr/bin
+       mv debian/tmp/usr/lib/execline/bin/execlineb \
+         debian/execline/usr/bin
        Note, that I send and fetch email in batch, once every 24 hours.
                 If matter is urgent, try

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