On 15/03/2019 16:15, Philipp Huebner wrote:
Hi there,

AFAIK apparmor is not enabled by default on Debian Stretch,

I built a machine from scratch without touching any defaults and the apparmor is on. I can try retracing what got it enabled, but it got enabled by something in the default build, not by me manually.

but even if it is, it's both apparmor's and systemd's job to make sure
that ejabberd can not just read/write arbitrary files.

So please state the exact commands and paths you were trying to use as
well as the error messages you got in response.

ejabberdctl restore restore.erl

with the original apparmour profile results in a core dump

Changing su to rx as in the profile attached to the bug report makes the command execute, but it fails on the other bug I filed.

Everything is being executed as root.


Anton R. Ivanov

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