On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 5:09 AM Andreas Henriksson <andr...@fatal.se> wrote:
> The logger tool has no special privilegies. It's just a small tool
> that helps you send messages to your syslog daemon. You could equally
> well do this using for example netcat to send syslog messages over the
> network, etc. I'm not sure exactly which implementation you're using and
> what your configuration is there, but that's where you want to follow up
> on this and reassign your bug report if needed.

I'm using rsyslog which seems to be the default syslog for Debian:

Mar 19 12:04:27 bear liblogging-stdlog:  [origin software="rsyslogd"
swVersion="8.24.0" x-pid="810" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com";]
rsyslogd was HUPed

My /etc/rsyslog.d directory is empty, and I don't recall ever doing
anything to customize its configuration.


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