Hello Wilmer,

On Fri 02 Feb 2018 at 05:44AM GMT, Wilmer van der Gaast wrote:

> Please quote the part of
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/#copyright-information that
> says "every single file must be mentioned in the copyright file". I
> don't see it there nor would I see the point as per-file info is best
> off stored in those very files.
> Let me know if there's something actually serious like a *licence* not
> being accounted for, or a (significant) author or group of authors (that
> is not the currently mentioned me/dx/BitlBee team or Gaim team) not
> mentioned.

You're correct that it is not the case that every single file must be
mentioned.  And /completely/ precise information about what "portions of
code a license refers to" is not required.  For example, if a file
contains code under multiple licenses, you do not have to give the line
numbers, just say that the file is under (e.g.) "GPL-2+ and MPL-2.0".

However, every single copyright holder must be given in d/copyright,
including the years for which they hold copyright, per [1] and Policy
2.3, "every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its
copyright information."  Indeed, Policy was clarified in response to
[1], in release 4.3.0.

I'm not going to bounce the bug severity again, but if Michael is right
that all not copyright holders are listed, then this is RC.

[1]  https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2018/10/msg00004.html

Sean Whitton

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