Control: reassign -1 mime-support
Control: retitle -1 update-mime fails to order desktop entries with lower 
priority than /usr/lib/mime/packages

Hi Norbert,

Quoting Norbert Preining (2019-03-27 10:33:11)
> I agree with you and have been hit myself many times by the same "feature",
> but it has nothing to do with Calibre but with the "special" way how mailcap
> entries are handled in Debian.
> Unfortunately at there moment it is "last one wins", which is suboptimal to
> say the least, but nobody stepped forward to work on improving the current
> system.

I'm a bit puzzled though because at the bottom of update-mime(8) it says:

       In  addition  to  the  abovementioned  mechanism update-mime also
       parses desktop entries in  /usr/share/applications/  to  generate
       mailcap  entries.  These  entries are given a lower priority than
       those in /usr/lib/mime/packages.

And as far as I can see, the calibre entry does not come from
/usr/lib/mime/packages but from
/usr/share/applications/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop so I had expected it to end
up with a lower priority than the entries from

Retitling accordingly.

> I recommend setting mailcap entries personally, as system wide one are
> completely unreliable.

Ah I see. Thanks for explaining the current situation!

> I tend to close this but it reassign to mailcap/whatever package name is, but
> there are already quite a lot of reports to the same effect I guess.

Indeed calibre does not seem to be at fault so I reassigned this to
src:mime-support because that's where update-mime comes from. But I'm a bit
puzzled now because src:mime-support only has eight bugs of which none seem to
be related to this problem. Which reports were you talking about? Am I looking
at the wrong source package?


cheers, josch

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