Control: reassign -1
Control: affects -1 grub-efi-amd64-bin

On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 06:47:59PM +0100, Marc Riedel wrote:
> I cannot verify grubx64.efi.signed against "Debian Secure Boot CA"
> (
> Steps to reproduce:
> sbverify --list /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubx64.efi.signed
> signature 1
> image signature issuers:
>  - /CN=Debian Secure Boot CA
> image signature certificates:
>  - subject: /CN=Debian Secure Boot Signer
>    issuer:  /CN=Debian Secure Boot CA
> wget -q -O - | openssl x509 -inform der
> -outform  pem -out secure-boot-ca.pem
> openssl x509 -in secure-boot-ca.pem -text -noout
> Certificate:
>     Data:
>         Version: 3 (0x2)
>         Serial Number:
>             ed:54:a1:d5:af:87:48:94:8d:9f:89:32:ee:9c:7c:34
>         Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
>         Issuer: CN = Debian Secure Boot CA
>         Validity
>             Not Before: Aug 16 18:09:18 2016 GMT
>             Not After : Aug  9 18:09:18 2046 GMT
>         Subject: CN = Debian Secure Boot CA
>         Subject Public Key Info:
>             Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
>                 RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
>                 Modulus:
>                     00:9d:95:d4:8b:9b:da:10:ac:2e:ca:82:37:c1:a4:
>                     cb:4a:c3:1b:42:93:c2:7a:29:d3:6e:dd:64:af:80:
>                     af:ea:66:a2:1b:61:9c:83:0c:c5:6b:b9:35:25:ff:
>                     c5:fb:e8:29:43:de:ce:4b:3d:c6:12:4d:b1:ef:26:
>                     43:95:68:cd:04:11:fe:c2:24:9b:de:14:d8:86:51:
>                     e8:38:43:bd:b1:9a:15:e5:08:6b:f8:54:50:8b:b3:
>                     4b:5f:fc:14:e4:35:50:7c:0b:b1:e2:03:84:a8:36:
>                     48:e4:80:e8:ea:9f:fa:bf:c5:18:7b:5e:ce:1c:be:
>                     2c:80:78:49:35:15:c0:21:cf:ef:66:d5:8a:96:08:
>                     2b:66:2f:48:17:b1:e7:ec:82:8f:07:e6:ca:e0:5f:
>                     71:24:39:50:0a:8e:d1:72:28:50:a5:9d:21:f4:e3:
>                     61:ba:09:03:66:c8:df:4e:26:36:0b:15:0f:63:1f:
>                     2b:af:ab:c4:28:a2:56:64:85:8d:a6:55:41:ae:3c:
>                     88:95:dd:d0:6d:d9:29:db:d8:c4:68:b5:fc:f4:57:
>                     89:6b:14:db:e0:ef:ee:40:0d:62:1f:ea:58:d4:a3:
>                     d8:ba:03:a6:97:2e:c5:6b:13:a4:91:77:a6:b5:ad:
>                     23:a7:eb:0a:49:14:46:7c:76:e9:9e:32:b4:89:af:
>                     57:79
>                 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>         X509v3 extensions:
>             Authority Information Access:
>                 CA Issuers - URI:
>             X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
> keyid:6C:CE:CE:7E:4C:6C:0D:1F:61:49:F3:DD:27:DF:CC:5C:BB:41:9E:A1
>             Netscape Cert Type: critical
>                 SSL Client, SSL Server, S/MIME, Object Signing, SSL CA, S/MIME
> CA, Object Signing CA
>             X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
>                 Code Signing
>             X509v3 Key Usage: critical
>                 Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
>             X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
>                 CA:TRUE
>             X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
>                 6C:CE:CE:7E:4C:6C:0D:1F:61:49:F3:DD:27:DF:CC:5C:BB:41:9E:A1
>     Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
>          77:96:3e:47:c9:ce:09:cf:8b:89:ce:59:ed:26:0e:26:0b:b9:
>          ad:a9:2b:bd:a1:eb:88:79:02:ff:31:de:fe:f5:6a:07:ef:61:
>          13:11:70:1e:bf:9c:4e:66:6c:e1:62:12:97:01:57:65:47:dd:
>          4a:c6:f7:f4:de:a8:f1:13:62:cc:83:57:ac:3c:a6:91:15:af:
>          55:26:72:69:2e:14:cd:dd:4d:b3:d1:60:24:2d:32:4f:19:6c:
>          11:5e:f2:a3:f2:a1:5f:62:0f:30:ae:ad:f1:48:66:64:7d:36:
>          44:0d:06:34:3d:2e:af:8e:9d:c3:ad:c2:91:d8:37:e0:ee:7a:
>          5f:82:3b:67:8e:00:8a:c4:a4:df:35:16:c2:72:2b:4c:51:d7:
>          93:93:9e:ba:08:0d:59:97:f2:e2:29:a0:44:4d:ea:ee:f8:3e:
>          02:60:ca:15:cf:4e:9a:25:91:84:3f:b7:5a:c7:ee:bc:6b:80:
>          a3:d9:fd:b2:6d:7a:1e:63:14:eb:ef:f1:b0:40:25:d5:e8:0e:
>          81:eb:6b:f7:cb:ff:e5:21:00:22:2c:2e:9a:35:60:12:4b:5b:
>          5f:38:46:84:0c:06:9c:cf:72:93:62:18:ee:5c:98:d6:b3:7d:
>          06:25:39:95:df:4e:60:76:b0:06:7b:08:b0:6e:e3:64:9f:21:
>          56:ad:39:0f
> sbverify --cert secure-boot-ca.pem /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-
> signed/grubx64.efi.signed
> Signature verification failed
> Can you please point me to the right certificate?

The ftpmasters maintain the signing apparatus, so I think I need to pass
this over to them (either to update the published certificate, or to fix
the signing, or to advise on the correct verification method - I haven't
worked out which).


Colin Watson                                       []

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