On Thu, Apr 04, 2019 at 10:20:47AM +0000, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> * Please, do not use ${runit:Conflicts}. As suggested by Lintian, it is
>   very strong relations. Use ${runit:Breaks} only. The very
>   introduction of ${runit:Conflicts} was my mistake. It will make
>   Lintian override unneeded.

Will do.

> * Please, consider merging bin:socklog-run into bin:socklog. Option
>   `since' for dh_runit will be useful for it.

Ah that's what you meant, sorry I misunderstood. I will try to merge

> * I know, it is pain, but there should be init.d script. You may want to
>   take a look at bcron=0.11-8.

Sure, no worries. How about systemd service files? It makes little sense
to run socklog along with systemd I think, but for the principle it may
be required to profile service files. What do you think?

> * Please, add description to 0002-import-patch-tryto. It is unclear,
>   what issue this patch resolves.

This one comes from the previous packaging scripts. I'll do some

> * In patch 0003-remove-chkshgrp you remove test, that fails on CI. Does
>   it also fails in sbuild? If not, probably it should only be disabled in
>   Gitlab CI?

It only fails in CI. I'll try to have it disabled in CI only, that would
be much better indeed.

> * It is matter of taste, but are you aware, that you can
>       Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12)
>   and remove `debian/compat'?

I didn't know, thanks :)

> * Dep-5 would be nice.

Will do.

> * What is the purpose of 'log' user, you create with dh_sysuser? You
>   know, that bin:runit provides user `runit-log' since -20, don't you?

I overlooked that, thanks.

> * All services run as same user, 'nobody'. It is unfortunate, since nobody is
>   quite popular owner for NFS files.
>   I believe there should be separate sysuser for socklog-* services.
>   Ideally, separate sysuser for /every/ from socklog-* service, but I do
>   not know, whehter it is possible.

Yeah good point. I tend to think that a single user for all socklog-*
services would be enough, but if you prefer I can add one user per

> * I believe, README file is useless -- it contains copyright, authorship
>   and homepage information only, which is already present in Debian
>   package files.

Alright, I'll remove it.

Thanks for the review!


Mathieu Mirmont <m...@parad0x.org>

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