On Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 01:02:13AM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
>  * definitive reference information.  I.e., PROOF.
>    ("My understanding" is too weak.)
>  * Endorsement by DEBCONF active organizer is nice to have as a
>    supporting evidence.

I'm "just" a former organizer but I can 100% assure you, that DebConf0
was the 0th Debconf, Debconf1 was the first one, etc - if you start
counting at 0.


However, if you start counting at 1, DebConf0 in 2000 was the first
DebConf, DebConf1 in 2001 was the 2nd DebConf, [...], DebConf18 in
2018 was the 19th DebConf and this year the 20th DebConf will take place
as DebConf19 in Brasil.

It's confusing.

For referenence:

https://debconf1.debconf.org/ says: "The Debian people start counting
from zero. Debian Conference 1 was the second big international meeting
for this voluntary, at the same time anarchistic but focused group of

Also, see https://debconf0.debconf.org/ - look at the title of that
page! https://debconf2.debconf.org does not exist, while the rest is
there too.



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