Package: tmux
Version: 2.3-4
Followup-For: Bug #892503

(Note that I'm reporting the bug as found in the older tmux that is the
outer tmux of a tmux-in-tmux situation, though the proposed work-around
is to be applied to the newer tmux that is the inner tmux. This is
to (hopefully) properly mark the problem as being with the older tmux,
as it was reported before that the bug vanishes with tmux >= 2.6 as
outer tmux.)


the tmux-in-tmux screen garbling hit me, too. It was also with
an outer tmux 2.3 (in my case: 2.3-4) from stable, and
a newer inner tmux (in my case: 2.8-3) from testing (buster).

On IRC, upstream suggested the work-around to do this in the inner tmux:

  set -as terminal-overrides ',*:indn@'

Then, detach and attach again. This seems to have fixed it, for me.

Apparently this cancels the capability "scroll forward #1 lines"
for all terminal types. It's not needed in any further inner tmuxes.

Regards, Fabian

Fabian "canvon" Pietsch -

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