Le dimanche 7 avril 2019, <gcab_d...@libero.it> a écrit :
> a) no, winbind is not installed (and is not installed under Stretch 9.8,
where the samba connection is working perfectly).

Can you try wih winbind installed (and all samba services restarted)?

> b) for the moment, I just set up a point-to-point ethernet cable
connection with an old pc running winxp, within the same workgroup, and I
just use the file \etc\hosts to map the addresses (pinging is ok both ways).
> c) don't get what you mean by command; I use smbtree to check that the
shares on both pc's are visible, after that (normally) I can browse through
a file manager, and in fact I can do that through Krusader running with
root privileges.
>> Il 6 aprile 2019 alle 21.58 Mathieu Parent <math.par...@gmail.com> ha
>> Le sam. 6 avr. 2019 à 16:00, <gcab_d...@libero.it> a écrit :
>> >
>> > Hi, Mathieu, thanks for your reply.
>> >
>> > I tried either with the new smb.conf (att. smb.conf.up1)  suggested
during installing samba, and with the version taken from previous releases
and which is working flawlessly in Stretch (att. smb.conf.ucf-old). Does
not change the problem.
>> Is Winbind installed? Are you using pam_winbind and nss_winbind? What
>> is your complete command?
>> Regards
>> --
>> Mathieu Parent


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