On Du, 07 apr 19, 15:32:32, Justin B Rye wrote:
> Okay, here's a significantly trimmed-down version that we might be
> able to use if it's bulked out with good external references.
> In issues.dbk:
>   <section id="migrate-interface-names">
>     <title>Migrating from legacy network interface names</title>
>     <para>
>      If your system was upgraded from an earlier release, and still uses
>      the old-style network interface names that were deprecated with
>      stretch (such as <literal>eth0</literal> or <literal>wlan</literal>),

s/eth0/eth/ ? (since you used the non-numbered names also in upgrading.dbk)

>      you should be aware that <systemitem role="package">udev</systemitem>
>      in buster no longer supports the mechanism of defining their names via
>      <filename>/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules</filename>. To
>      avoid the danger of your machine losing networking after the upgrade
>      to buster, it is recommended that you migrate in advance to the new
>      naming scheme (usually meaning names like <literal>enp0s1</literal> or
>      <literal>wlp2s5</literal>, which incorporate PCI bus- and
>      slot-numbers). Take care to update any interface names hard-coded in
>      configuration for firewalls, <systemitem 
> role="package">ifupdown</systemitem>.
>      and so on.
>     </para>
>     <para>
>      The alternative is to switch to a supported mechanism for enforcing
>      the old naming scheme, such as the <literal>net.ifname=0</literal>
>      kernel commandline option or a systemd <filename>.link</filename>
>      file.

Point to systemd.link(5)?

>     </para>
>     <para>
>      To find the new-style names that will be used, first find the
>      current names of the relevant interfaces:
>     </para>
>     <screen
>      $ echo /sys/class/net/[ew]*
>     </screen>
>     <para>
>      For each one, check whether it is used in configuration files:
>     </para>
>     <screen>
>      $ sudo rgrep -w eth0 /etc
>     </screen>
>     <para>
>      And what name <systemitem role="package">udev</systemitem> would prefer 
> to
>      use for it:
>     </para>
>     <screen>
>      $ udevadm test-builtin net_id /sys/class/net/eth0 2>/dev/null
>     </screen>
>     <para>
>      (One of these may be a fallback MAC-based name, sometimes needed
>      for USB network hardware.)
>     </para>
> [Possibly add extra details there for other special cases]
>     <para>
>      To switch over, disable <filename>70-persistent-net.rules</filename>
>      either by renaming it or by commenting out individual lines.
>      On virtual machines you will need to remove the files
>      <filename>/etc/systemd/network/99-default.link</filename> and
>      (if using virtio network devices)
>      <filename>/etc/systemd/network/50-virtio-kernel-names.link</filename>.
>      Then rebuild the <filename>initrd</filename>:
>     </para>
>     <screen>
>      $ sudo update-initramfs -u
>     </screen>
>     <para>
>      and reboot. Your system should now have new-style network interface
>      names. Adjust any remaining configuration files, and test your system.
>     </para>

suggests this might not be sufficient to activate the predictable naming 
on stretch, is this tested?

> [possibly a paragraph about safe upgrades over SSH]

I believe your text above provides sufficient information to enable a 
remote sysadmin to deal with this without further help.
>     <para>
>      See the
>      <ulink 
> url="https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/";>upstream
>      documentation</link> and the <literal>udev</literal>
>      <filename>README.Debian</file> for further information.
>     </para>
>   </section>
> And/or maybe a pointer to some useful page in the Debian Wiki, but I
> suspect we'd need to write one first.
> Then in upgrading.dbk
>   <section id="review-interface-names">
>     <title>Verify network interface name support</title>
>     <para>
>      Systems upgraded from older releases that still use network interfaces
>      with names like <literal>eth</literal> or <literal>wlan</literal> are
>      at risk of losing networking once they switch to buster; see
>      <xref linkend="migrate-interface-names"/> for migration instructions.
>     </para>
>   </section>
> -- 
> JBR   with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
>       sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

Otherwise (FWIW) this looks good for me.

Kind regards,

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