Hi again,

On 14/04/2019 18:49, Adam Borowski wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 05:20:08PM +0200, Alec Leamas wrote:
>> On 14/04/2019 16:22, Adam Borowski wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> The auto-update functionality is for some reason systemd only, despite not
>>> actually using any systemd features.  This makes it broken on any other
>>> init/rc system for no gain.
>>> Could you please convert the .service/.timer to a init script and/or cron
>>> job?
>> Anything is possible but... in this case ddupdate installs as a user program
>> without anything running as root. Things like cron or init scripts are
>> requires root permissions
> It's same as for systemd, which also runs as root -- only the syntax is
> different.  There's "runuser"; on a default install exim4 and popcon use it.

No. ddupdate uses systemd --user to setup and run  the service without
root permissions. So it's not comparable in this respect.

>> And, cron jobs are nowhere as flexible as systemd timers.
> You have two timers: one every 1h (the usual cron way), and another 2min
> after boot.  What's the point of the second if you already have an oneshot
> service?

It's about having a dynamic (e. g., dhcp) address which could change
anytime. That's why services like this kind periodically checks if the
address has changed and updates the involved DNS entry if so.

>> OTOH, it would of course be possible to add alternative solutions like cron
>> jobs to the package. This would requires patches to ddupdate-config, but
>> should otherwise be trivial. But to be honest, I'm more in a "patches
>> welcome" state on this -- I'm just not motivated to make such fixes myself.
> I don't use ddupdate myself anymore (I don't even remember if I used
> ddupdate or one of the alternatives), thus it might be more for an actual
> user.

You have probably never used it then, it's a pretty new tool. You might,
however, have used ddclient which is sort of similar (and widespread).

> thus it might be more for an actual user.


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