On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 04:11:41 +0100 Matija Nalis
<mnalis-debian...@voyager.hr> wrote:


> I do agree completely with you that package should strongly indicate
> in its docs and description about it's TLS deficiencies. If someone
> would write such a documentation patch, perhaps it might have a
> chance to be included. 
> [ As a side note, even with certificate checking in place there are a
> lot of problems in todays "zillion untrusted CAs which we trust
> anyway" security model, and even more so if you move from web
> world (where clients try to be secure, and even people might
> sometimes check basic credentials) to unattended MTA world where
> almost nobody does, and vast majority of MTAs will simply by 
> default silently downgrade to plaintext if they think anything 
> might be problematic with TLS support etc. ]

Attached are some documentation suggestions (I didn't touch the


Attachment: ssmtp-doc
Description: Binary data

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