
On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 09:32:57PM -0500, Xan Charbonnet wrote:
> I'm very sorry for the error.  I am running the latest Buster for
> everything.  The problem I'm experiencing sounds an awful lot like the
> description of that bug, so I assumed the fix hadn't been implemented in
> Debian.  If it has, then it must be a different problem.  (Or the fix isn't
> complete, or something.)
> I've just confirmed that when I set the scaling to 1, the problem goes away.
> When I set the scaling to my preferred setting, 1.1, the problem is rampant.

Can you please file a new bug upstream to https://bugreports.qt.io describing
this issue?

They may ask you to try Qt 5.12, you can do this using the packages from
experimental or upstream installer.

Dmitry Shachnev

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