On 5/8/19 6:38 AM, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:

[2019-05-06 07:33] Tito <farmat...@tiscali.it>
[ Dmitry Bogatov ]
-                               log_success_msg "Done checking file systems.
-A log is being saved in ${FSCK_LOGFILE} if that location is writable."
+                               log_success_msg 'Done checking file systems'
+                               log_success_msg "Log is being saved in 
${FSCK_LOGFILE} if that location is writable"

maybe something like:

if test -w ${FSCK_LOGFILE} ; then
        log_success_msg "Log is saved in ${FSCK_LOGFILE}
        log_success_msg "Cannot save log in ${FSCK_LOGFILE}

Thank you, Tito. But I am not sure this is correct:

As I understand the whole point of "logsave" is that if directory of
logfile (/var/log/fsck) does not exist, "logsave" will wait till it

So, by the time we are logging this message, ${FSCK_LOGFILE} may not
exists yet, but its future content is hanging somewhere in memory of
"logsave" process.

Problem is that I do not understand, when /var/log/fsck exist for sure.

Collegues, I need help with evaluating proposed change.

I guess if it is a one partition only setup /var/log will
exist as soon as as root is switched from initrd and/or
remounted read-write, if it is a multi-partition setup
with separated partitions for /tmp, /home and /var,
/var will exist as soon as root is switched from
initrd but /var/log will exist only after /var is mounted.
If there is something in the outbuf buffer
logsave loops forever !?  until it gets a file descriptor:

                setsid();       /* To avoid getting killed by init */
                while (outfd < 0) {
                        outfd = open(outfn, openflags, 0644);
                write_all(outfd, outbuf, outbufsize);

open(), openat(), and creat() return the new file descriptor, or -1 if an error 

Hope this helps.

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