Le 08/05/2019 à 00:50, Alexis Murzeau a écrit :
> Where the working log has a java.lang.IllegalStateException
>  exception instead. Maybe there is a memory corruption somewhere in
> native code that doesn't always cause a jvm crash.
> I fear the crash happen in java code, this stacktrace is not very good :(
> I'm trying to run that command with valgrind, but this is very slow.

Running in valgrind does not help as there are many false positive.
As the crash seems to occur in JVM generated code, I think we need a
java call stack to be able to see what's wrong.
The thread crashing seems to be a java thread (there is only JVM +
pthread in the stacktrace).

In a sbuild inside a VM without X, I don't reproduce the issue. I have
interrupted the build just after the "Building documentation" for en_US
step to drop a bash shell, I ran the documentation build in a loop.
But I didn't got any crash.

I saw that there is a bugfix release 6.0.2 with many fixes [0].

As no one seems to be able to reproduce the issue, I suggest to:
 - Try to reproduce on the x86-bm-01 machine and retrieve a core dump
   to dump other thread and run jstack to get the java stacktrace and
   see what's wrong
 - Try to build the 6.0.1 version and also the new 6.0.2 version
   on x86-bm-01 to ensure that the crash is still reproducible with
   6.0.1 and if it is fixed with 6.0.2.

I didn't find any possible fixed issue in the list of fixed bugs in
6.0.2 that could match our crash without entering in each of them.

=> So, can anyone access the x86-bm-01 machine to try to reproduce and
get a core dump of this crash ?


Alexis Murzeau
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