Hi Hideki,
thanks for your kind comment.

My understanding is that it is related to luatexja-preset.sty
(or Japanese localization of LuaLaTeX).
When we run the "report-bug" against a tex package, it tells us that

> -- Package-specific info:
> IMPORTANT INFORMATION: We will only consider bug reports concerning
> the packaging of TeX Live as relevant. If you have problems with
> combination of packages in a LaTeX document, please consult your
> local TeX User Group, the comp.text.tex user group, the author of
> the original .sty file, or any other help resource. 
> In particular, bugs that are related to up-upstream, i.e., neither
> Debian nor TeX Live (upstream), but the original package authors,
> will be closed immediately.
>    *** The Debian TeX Team is *not* a LaTeX Help Desk ***

So, provided that the issue is in luatexja-preset.sty,
the Debian TeX team may unwelcome it...
Is it OK to reopen it (and maybe reassign it to texlive-lang-japanese)?

If I understand the issue correctly,
the problem is that

* lualatex + luatexja-preset.sty requires "NotoSerifCJKJPLight"
  even when "NotoSerifCJKJPLight" font is not used in a document,
  while uplatex or xelatex (with their localizations files) does
  not require "NotoSerifCJKJPLight" unless it is used.
But the above behavior seems a kind of "design"...
And a solution can be inclusion of all CJK font files into
"fonts-noto-cjk", which suggests that this issue should be filed
against "fonts-noto-cjk".

Your feedbacks are welcome.


From: Hideki Yamane <henr...@iijmio-mail.jp>
Subject: Re: Bug#929128: fonts-noto-cjk: not recognized by lualatex until 
Date: Sun, 26 May 2019 16:08:15 +0900

> Hi,
> On Sun, 26 May 2019 10:52:36 +0900
> Ryutaroh Matsumoto <ryutaroh.matsum...@nagoya-u.jp> wrote:
>> Sorry again for bothering all of you....
>  To be clear, it's _nothing_ wrong with you, IMHO.
>  Maybe it's better to reopen and reassign to appropriate texlive package
>  with "upstream" tag.
> -- 
> Regards,
>  Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.org/iijmio-mail.jp

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