Am Dienstag, den 28.05.2019, 10:55 -0400 schrieb Felipe Sateler:
I usually use the very nice helper gbp-pq. I usually prefer proper patches 
because it makes it easier to push them upstream. I usually don't want to 
maintain forks :)
yeah, I used `gpb import-orig --uscan` to update to 4.8.5 which was very nice 
and easy. What I'm not sure about are things like the correct contents of the 
changelog file, when to use which version-suffix, the correct way of handling 
debian/patches, when to tag with wich name, etc.

TWIG is a templating library. That means the html views are not rendered 
directly with php, but rather via a less powerful language. The idea, as I 
understand it, being that views should have little to no logic, and such 
templating libraries help enforce that rule.
But where is it used in phpmyadmin ;)

I can help you with that. As my activity has shown, though, I'm not being able 
to dedicate much time. I can, however, do some testing, and help with uploading.
Nice to read :)

Is there any way to keep track of the progress in a collaborative way better 
than sending emails? I'd propose working with issues on salsa.

Sounds good to me.

Can you enable issues on the project? I'd like to start with some issues for 
every new or changed dependency to test if it's still working like it shoud. 
Furthermore I would make issues for "upload package to 
{experimental,sid,buster-backports}" depending on each other, so we can add new 
issues as blockers if someone finds bugs or something else is to do.

What do you think is the best way to get the changes into the main project? 
pushing directly to master? pushing to a new branch? making a PR? How about the 
branches 'upstream' and 'pristine-tar'? 1 PR for each branch? Make a new update 
to 4.8.5 based on master and rebase the work currently laying around in three 
repositories? … We should make an issue to discuss that :D

(I think a fresh update and rebasing the work is the cleanest way. The history 
with all these merges and conflicting changes between gratuxri/master, 
fsateler/master and now my own one ist unclean, confusing and not necessary.)

Viele Grüße

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