Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 04, 2019 at 07:13:37AM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> > >   c. make some crappy symlinks th_en_XX_v2.dic -> th_en_US_v2.dic.
> > >      This works for me.
> > >
> > >      The downside is that debian/*.links and
> > >      dictionaries/*/dictionaries.xcu can get out of sync.
> > >
> > >
> > > UPDATE: I just noticed you are already doing (c) for other languages, e.g.
> > >
> > >     
> > >
> > >
> > > So, I am simply proposing to do the same for English.
> >
> > Yeah, one can do that...
> We could do that, but then:
>  1. the package name would kinda lie, since it's -en-*us*

I agree.  My patch mentioned that as a FIXME comment.

This would also bring mythes-en* in line with the other mythes-*
languages created by the same source package

The only reason I didn't do that already, is it's a more invasive
change, and requires more thinking.

>  2. we would need to Conflicts against mythes-en-au (maybe Provides that
>     as well, in this case, though)

My patch did that already.

> I wonder: why is -au outdated?  If the upstream of mythes-en-au is gone,
> maybe LO itself could pick it up?

Note that the upstream of mythes-en-au was pre-Oracle

The source comments indicated mythes-en-au was created by copying
th_en_US_v2.dat to th_en_AU_v2.dat, then deleting a small number of
Americanisms.  I assume that means things like "pavement".

I haven't looked at the changes to th_en_US_v2.dat since 2011;
I assume there have been some.

I can dig out the contemporary th_en_US_v2.dat from, and do a three-way diff between it,
mythes-en-au, and current (LO6.3) mythes-en-us.  That will show
quantitatively how different they are.

> It feels kind of weird to link -au to -us, as afaik there are effective
> differences between the two.

This is what LO does on non-Debian platforms.
To me, that's a pretty compelling argument.

Also note that on Debian currently, en_GB &c have *no* options for a thesaurus 
in apt.

(Users with internet access can probably download the identical
th_en_US_v2.dat bundled as an oxt, into $HOME, via LibreOffice's
built-in downloader.  My users are in gaol, so I haven't tested that.)

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