Hello Laurent & Aurélien,

On Fri, 06 Jan 2017, Laurent Bigonville wrote:
> > So what would you think of making an alternative of :
> >      /usr/share/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults
> > currently shipped by plymouth ?
> > 
> > This would let desktop-base override the version currently shipped by 
> > plymouth, without the need for plymouth to add a dependency on desktop-base.
> I'm not sure I would use the alternative for the
> /usr/share/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults file.

Unless plymouth grows some other mechanism to override only
the theme, I think it makes a lot of sense... right now plymouth gets
installed by default through desktop-base and there's no good way
for a derivative to override that theme.

For now we added a call to "plymouth-set-default-theme" in desktop-base
but that modifies a conffile...

> Ubuntu is doing something with /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth,
> I would go that way maybe (see 
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/plymouth.git/tree/src/main.c#n449).

I believe overriding/diverting the default theme is not sufficient since a
theme is now hardcoded in /usr/share/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults (as
shipped by plymouth).

It would be really nice to a have a proper endorsed solution to this for
derivatives. Up to now, all our theme overrides are made through
desktop-base without modifying anything else, it would be nice if this
could be the case for plymouth as well.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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