Hi Giuseppe,

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 09:30:59AM +0200, Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
> I came across this issue just now. This is an apparmor profile issue,
> since by default it's configured to prevent access to local files except
> for a small selection (it even fails to load the corret theme in my
> case).
> A temporary workaround until this is fixed is to put apparmor in
> complain mode for surf (`aa-complain /usr/bin/surf` as root should do
> it).

Local files are intentionally not allowed to be accessed by the browser,
expect those needed for it to work properly.
Which theme files does it fail to load?

> (I'm not sure if there is a bugtracker tag for apparmor profiles.)

It's fine to report surf-related apparmor issues against the surf


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