i've worked a bit more on massaging duplicity 0.8.00 and here's
the latest state of affairs:

1. it doesn't build with python 2.7 because of test suite errors.

         most of these issues have been raised in upstream's bts at
         and https://bugs.launchpad.net/duplicity/+bug/1833560

2. it doesn't work with python 2.7 even after massaging item 1.

         i haven't bothered digging any deeper or raising bugs regarding that
         aspect until upstream looks as item 1.
3. it doesn't build with python 3.5, again because of test suite errors.

         different errors, raised upstream at

4. it does build against python 3.7, and *seems* to work in that enviroment.

net result: duplicity 0.8.00 can be built for testing/buster and for sid,
but not for stretch (at least not at this time).

as i'm still using stretch on my main systems i'm reluctant to call this
version releasable yet: i think that it would be better to wait for a bit
of feedback from upstream before 0.8.00 is allowed to enter the debian

the relevant bits of hacky patchery live at
https://salsa.debian.org/debian/duplicity/commits/debian if anybody
want to play with this straight away.


Alexander Zangerl + GPG Key 2FCCF66BB963BD5F + http://snafu.priv.at/
Blessed are the PHBs-who-do-not-understand-hardware, for they can be
coerced into signing for upgrades to make life a bit more tolerable

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