Hello Simon,

On Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:21:26 +0000 Simon Wilcox
<simonw+smokeping...@simonwilcox.co.uk> wrote:
> Smokeping has the ability to run in a master/slave configuration.
> In the slave configuration data is sent to a master server and a local
> apache installation is not required.
> We want to install smokeping on devices that should not have apache
> installed, to use as slaves to a master server but we can't do this with
> the current dependency chain.
> May I request that the smokeping package is divided into two, with a
> data collector package separate from a web-UI package. Or possibly that
> you consider a separate smokeping-slave package that would leave the
> current smokeping package untouched.
> I know that we could roll our own package or install outside of the
> package system altogether so perhaps you may wish to re-grade this
> ticket to a wishlist request rather than a bug but I've filed it as such
> since we can't use the package for our use case at this time.
> Thank you for the time and effort you give to the Debian project and for
> taking the time to consider this bug.

This bug report has been open forever.

I've taken a look at this and I believe that the state of the package
has changed in a way that could permit installing smokeping without apache:

apache2 is currently a "Recommends" for smokeping (it has been at least
since the version that was in jessie).

so you can install the package using this to avoid apache:

apt install --no-install-recommends smokeping

Note that in that case you might need to manually install some
additional packages if you need them: dnsutils, echoping and
libsocket6-perl are also recommends and won't be installed because of
the option.

I believe that using this option, you can create an install of smokeping
for using it with the "slave" mode without having apache on the same


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