Le 24 mars 06 à 00:53, Vincent Danjean a écrit :

This package provides a Makefile to compile LaTeX documents (in ps or pdf), latex packages to easily include xfig figures in LaTeX documents and various
 scripts help the Makefile to correctly and easily handle its job.
One great interrest of this package is that it automatically track most of the dependencies of the LaTeX document. We should just have to create a Makefile
 with the single line 'include LaTeX.mk'
 Homepage: http://gforge.inria.fr/projects/latex-utils/

This package provides make(1) snippets to help compile LaTeX documents, either in PDF or ps document file. It also contains latex packages to easily insert xfig figures
and various scripts to correctly do its job
One great interest of this package is that it automatically tracks most of the dependencies of LaTeX documents. One should be able to compile complex documents with a
one-line Make file containing 'include LaTeX.mk'.
Homepage: http://gforge.inria.fr/projects/latex-utils/

However, I am also not a native English speaker.

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