Package: Severity: normal User: Usertags: transition Control: forwarded -1 Control: block -1 by 931914 931922 931931 931935 931940 931943 931945 931941 931944 931948 931904 931908 931872
For the Debian GIS team I'd like to transition to PROJ 6. This is a major change that affects the wider GIS ecosystem, with proj being at the bottom of the dependency chain. Most packages build successfully with the new version after defining ACCEPT_USE_OF_DEPRECATED_PROJ_API_H to use the deprecated proj_api.h. Several of the affected packages already have this change in unstable. Others have patches available in the BTS. For yet some others have a fix available in a new upstream release that still needs to be packaged. Some packages that FTBFS are dead upstream for quite a while and RM bug have been filed for those. The vtk6 & vtk7 packages and their rdeps (ifrit & lammps) are the biggest issue, but the VTK packages can be updated to use their embedded copy of PROJ 4. VTK upstream also has support for PROJ 6, but this is not packaged yet. libgeotiff-dfsg won't need a rebuild, libgeotiff will be moved to unstable instead. This will trigger a transition too, but it only affects 12 packages, 6 of which are also affected by the proj transition. All libgeotiff rdeps built successfully with the new proj & libgeotiff. python-pyproj also won't need a rebuild, the version in experimental will be moved to unstable as well. This won't trigger a transition. Transition: proj libproj13 (5.2.0-1) -> libproj15 (6.1.1-1~exp1) The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows. Packages marked with [+] have a patch available in the BTS. josm (0.0.svn15238+dfsg-1) SKIP gpx2shp (0.71.0-7) FTBFS (#931904) libgeo-proj4-perl (1.09-3) FTBFS (#931908) libgeotiff-dfsg (1.4.3-1) SKIP libgeotiff (1.5.1-1~exp3) OK mshr (2018.1.0+dfsg1-7) OK octave-octproj (1.1.5-4) OK [+] (#931914) osm2pgsql (0.96.0+ds-3) OK pdl (1:2.019-5) OK proj-rdnap (2008-9) OK python-cartopy (0.17.0+dfsg-4) OK python-pyproj (1.9.6-1 / 2.2.1+ds-1~exp1) FTBFS / OK sosi2osm (1.0.0-6) OK spatialite (4.3.0a-6) OK survex (1.2.40-1) OK xygrib (1.2.2-1) OK [+] (#931922) gdal (2.4.2+dfsg-1) OK magics++ (4.0.3-1) OK spatialite-gui (2.1.0~beta0+really2.0.0~devel2-4) OK spatialite-tools (4.3.0-3) OK xastir (2.1.2-1) OK [+] (#931931) cdo ( OK mapnik (3.0.22+ds-2) OK mapserver (7.4.0-1) OK merkaartor (0.18.3+ds-6) OK metview (5.3.0-2) OK [+] (#931945) ncl (6.6.2-1) OK openorienteering-mapper (0.8.4-1) OK [+] (#931935) pdal (1.8.0+ds-1) OK postgis (2.5.2+dfsg-1) OK qmapshack (1.13.0-1) OK r-cran-sf (0.7-6+dfsg-1) OK saga (2.3.1+dfsg-5) FTBFS (#931941) sumo (1.1.0+dfsg1-1) OK [+] (#931940) thuban (1.2.2-14) FTBFS (#931872) vtk6 (6.3.0+dfsg2-2) FTBFS (#931943) vtk7 (7.1.1+dfsg1-12) FTBFS (#931944) freecad (0.18.2+dfsg1-1) SKIP gammaray (2.9.0-2.1) SKIP grass (7.6.1-1) OK ifrit (4.1.2-6) FTBFS lammps (0~20181211.gitad1b1897d+dfsg1-2) FTBFS node-mapnik (3.7.2+dfsg-5) OK python-mapnik (1:0.0~20180723-588fc9062-2) OK r-cran-lwgeom (0.1-5+repack-1) FTBFS (#931948) therion (5.4.4ds1-1) OK qgis (3.4.9+dfsg-1) TODO Kind Regards, Bas