
On 03/07/2019 10:00, Marketa Calabkova wrote:
> On 02/07/2019 15:22, Guillem Jover wrote:
>> In any case ISTM that the real problem here is how u-a is being used in
>> SUSE, which is not how u-a expects it to be operated. I'd say you'd need
>> to switch to call it from %preun, which is what we are doing in Debian
>> (removal is executed in prerm). This makes sure the alternative gets
>> removed before the files disappear, so there's never a broken
>> alternative (making the installation more robust), and u-a never sees
>> that breakage as something that needs fixing, so no warnings will get
>> emitted.
> ...
> Thank you for your answer. I will talk about it with my colleagues and
> let you know.
We decided to do nothing, as we use u-a the wrong way in too many
packages and the bug is just a warning, so nothing serious. Thank you
again, you can close this bug if you wish :) .


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