Control: retitle -1 `cryptroot-unlock` timeouts when Kali's 
cryptsetup-nuke-password package is installed

On Mon, 15 Jul 2019 at 07:05:46 +0000, Luke Flinders wrote:
> This is the package;

Oh, didn't you mean ?

AFAICT that package replaces /lib/cryptsetup/askpass with a script that calls
the original ‘askpass’ binary (renamed to /lib/cryptsetup/askpass.cryptsetup),
and erases the LUKS header if its digest value matches a special “nuke” hash;
otherwise the passphrase is forwarded to the ‘cryptsetup’ binary.

(FWIW the script won't work with binary keyfiles dumped to the passfifo,
because the passphrase is held by a shell variable.  It'll also break if
the value ends with a linefeed ‘\n’ character.)

‘cryptroot-unlock’ timeouts waiting for a running /lib/cryptsetup/askpass
process with a file descriptor opened to the passfifo, because our
askpass binary was renamed to /lib/cryptsetup/askpass.cryptsetup.  I
don't see how that could have ever worked with ‘cryptroot-unlock’ (but
the diversion might have been new in Kali's ‘cryptsetup-nuke-password’).


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