
Ok, I looked into it. Those jar files are seriously messed up. Any 
self-respecting unzipper would be well within its rights to reject them as 
invalid. As it turns out, my patch to unzip is doing exactly what it’s supposed 
to. Something that processed those jar files has a bug.

In each of those .jar files there are several entries that are duplicated in a 
screwy way. First, those entries each have an exactly duplicated central 
directory entry, with the same file name, pointing to the same local header 
offset in the jar file. You can see this even using an unpatched unzip, asking 
it to unzip the jar file. It will extract a bunch of files, and then ask you if 
you’d like to replace a file it just unzipped when it encounters the duplicated 
central directory entry.

The fact that two central directory entries are pointing to the same local 
header is what is, rightly, setting off the zip bomb detection in the patched 

Second, the other screwy thing is that there are a bunch of vestigial blocks of 
data in those jar files that are not referred to by any central directory 
entry. I presume that those are the data for those same files that were 
intended to be pointed to by the duplicated central directory entries, but were 
orphaned when the offsets to the local headers were not changed for those 
entries. Of course, even if the offsets had been changed so that all the data 
in the jar file were actually used, it would still be invalid due to having the 
same names appear more than once.

The bug that resulted in these jar files might be even more serious if the 
duplicated entries are pointing to a previous version of those entries, and 
what was intended was to update those entries to what is now in the orphaned 
vestigial regions. Hopefully that’s not that the case.

In summary, those jar files are grossly invalid zip files for three reasons: 1. 
The same name appears twice, 2. Two central directory entries point to the same 
local header (setting off zip bomb detection), and 3. There is an orphaned 
chunk of the file that is not referred to by any central directory header.

As one example, all three of those things each occur 115 times in 
asm-5.0.3-sources.jar, out of 261 original central directory entries. Were it 
to be fixed, that jar file would have 146 unique entries, and would be quite a 
bit smaller. Which in addition to being invalid is also unfortunate and 
inefficient, since compression is kinda the point of the zip format.


> On Jul 12, 2019, at 8:23 PM, Adler, Mark <> wrote:
> Ben,
> Ah, no, I did not test the jar files. I just did, and indeed I am seeing the 
> reported zip bomb detections.
> Thanks. I’ll look into it.
> Mark
>> On Jul 12, 2019, at 3:22 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <> wrote:
>> On 13/07/2019 04:32, Adler, Mark wrote:
>>> I downloaded the four false-positive zip files from the bugreport page, and 
>>> none of them showed a zip bomb error (or any other error).
>> Mark,
>> the zip bomb error is seen when unzipping the 17 jar files contained within 
>> the four zip files. Did you test these inner jar files? I used (in bash):
>> $ for f in *.jar; do echo $f; unzip -tq $f; done
>> The outer zip files are there because many email filters block all email 
>> with jar attachments, and Debian BTS is email-based.
>> It would also be nice if unzip reported the filename when rejecting a 
>> suspected zip bomb, as it does when reporting "No errors detected".
>> Kind regards,
>> -- 
>> Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
>> Director
>> Transient Software Limited <>
>> New Zealand

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