On Tuesday 16 July 2019 23:11:24 Florian Weimer wrote:
> * Nicholas D. Steeves:
> > Package name    : fuidshift
> > Version         : 3.0
> > Upstream Author : Name <someb...@example.org>
> > URL             : https://github.com/lxc/lxd/tree/master/fuidshift
> > License         : Apache 2.0
> > Programming Lang: Go
> > Description : remap a filesystem tree to shift one set of UID/GID
> > ranges to another


> How does this compare to (or interact with) newuidmap and newgidmap
> from uidmap?

They do very different things.

Let me try a short description :
newuidmap - set the uid mapping of a user namespace (from manpage)
fuidshift - shift the uid/gid of files *on disk*

fuidshift is basically a recursive
chown $(( $(stat -c '%u' "$path") + $uidshift )) "$path"

It does not use or configure user namespaces or containers.

It's useful for the creation of containers images, for example when the 
container root filesystem is read-only (squashfs) and the container engine 
can't change the uids at runtime (see for example systemd-nspawn --private-
users=pick / --private-users-chown).

So fuidshift may be used to prepare a directory for later use by newuidmap, 
but that's about it.

> There's a push to force uidmap on everyone, with tight integration
> into NSS.  If there's a competing scheme, it would be helpful to know
> about it.

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